Friday, June 1, 2007


This is how we see what is going on in Maricopa County and Arizona:

NLADA Defender Legal Services Director Richard Goemann's Op-Ed on
Maricopa County, Ariz.
Published in West Valley View Newspaper
Maricopa County attorney's policies mock concept of fair, equal justice
Date: April 02, 2007 Originally published in the West Valley
View, Litchfield Park, Ariz., April 3, 2007 by Richard Goemann

OC Register, Injustice - "Tip of the Iceberg": 

East Valley Tribune, Jill Redhage: "County Attorney gets tough;
defenders get rich": This writer gets it.

1 comment:

PearyB said...

I remember having conversation with inmates and there are many injustices in Az. Some inmates would be guilty of minor offenses and would later claim the state of Az was so corrupt it was almost hard to believe that minor issues would destroy lives. The system needs convictions as it functions upon inmates to be there. The lawyers take high profile cases, like Courtneys', and use it to launder their careers. One would of thought that the Ray Krone case would have taught a few lessons, but arrogance and greed over rules common sense. I believe the Krone case was one of the largest civil settlements in history, I predict this case will also be a large settlement for Courtney and her Family. Please Continue.